Self-organized Notion from anywhere
Let Hints AI manage your Notion workspace from:
Saves 30min a day
No more hustle with "saved for later" mobile notes and manual Notion updating
Custom property filing
AI recognizes any parameter from the natural text and sends it to your Notion database
Get confirmation for each action
Hints Assistant sends you back info about changes it makes
Organize your team
Manage shared Notion workspace via WhatsApp and Telegram groups
Capture new connections
Save new contacts to Notion with all relevant information. Being on the go from mobile!
Update existing connections
Update existing contacts by making changes in Notion fields: [last update], [last contacted], and [next step]. Feel free to add a new custom property. Hints Assistant will figure it out!
Pull information from Notion
Pull information from your database: you can request the next step for someone or ask Hints Assistant to remind you when you last met your connection.